Hans Christian Andersen

I've decided to go to Copenhagen,
just like I made it up in a story.

- Goodbye, Hans.
- Goodbye, Peter.

Goodbye, Peter, and take care of yourself.
I'll only be gone a few days.

- Tell the children goodbye for me.
- I will.

Imagine, Peter - Copenhagen!
Goodbye, Peter.
Oh, my goodness. My feet hurt.
I cannot understand
why these shoes hurt me so.

I made them myself. You're lucky.
You don't have to wear shoes.

I can never understand why people
use that expression "A dog's life".

Every dog I ever knew
seemed to have a very nice life indeed.

You've no idea, and maybe
it's just as good you don't.

Back in the village, if people
saw me talking to you like this,

do you know what would happen?
Every head would shake for a week,
and yet how pleasant this is!

I can say anything I want to, and there's
no sound except the wag of your tail.

And people do the strangest things, too.
Oh, yes, my friend.
Even me. Myself included.

For instance, if you were to ask me
what I was doing on the road
to Copenhagen, do you know something?

I couldn't tell you.
I was trying to figure it out a little
while ago - what Peter said, what I said.
