
- No one here.
- What did you expect?

They had wind of us and flew the trap,
your ladybird with them.

They'll not have flown far.
- I've traced Isaac and his daughter.
- Where are they?

On the way to Rotherwood
under Cedric's protection.

- And lvanhoe?
- Fled to the forest with Locksley's rebels.

Then we take the father first.
- Take Cedric and rouse all Saxon England?
- John gave me full powers. I'll use them.

Once we hold Cedric,
we'll smoke out lvanhoe.

- Assemble the men. We ride at once.
- Aye.

- Have you weighed this well?
- Yes.

I'll risk all on one throw and win.
Win what? A Jewess or a hornet's nest?
Squire Wamba.
Squire Wamba!
I'll squire you, you renegade.
- I'll collar that neck again or wring it.
- Touched, milord.

Is that the tone for one gentleman
to use to another?

Out of my sight before my wrath boils over
and I squash you like a plum!

I left lvanhoe in your care to nurse
until his wound was healed.

And now you ride beside me as calmly
as I would ride to church.

Do you infidels never show your feelings?
We are taught not to have them, milady.
Will you see lvanhoe in York?
I do not know, milady.
But you hope to.
Yes, I hope to.
Does he know we quarreled
over him at Ashby?

No, milady.
Does a Jew feel jealousy?
Yes, milady.
Then they're not so different
from the Saxon, after all.
