
Somehow I knew
it would work out that way.

Time is the great author.
It always writes
the perfect ending.

Great Scott!
How do you do, Mr. Postant?
Just a moment.
You're just the man I want to see.

Would you like to contribute?
Are you with that outfit outside?
I am, sir.
Oh, thank you.
You oughtn't to be doing this!
Why not? All the world's a stage.
And this one is the most legitimate.
I must go, or my confreres will
think I've run off with the takings.

Thank you, gentlemen.
Don't you think
I should tell Terry I've seen you?

Knowing I'm doing this sort of thing
might upset her.

Although I don't mind it.
There's something
about working the streets I like.

It's the tramp in me, I suppose.
Wait a minute. Why don't you
come and see me at my office?

- What about?
- Business.

I never discuss business,
I leave that to my agent. Call him up.

However I'm booked up solid,
you know.

Au revoir, Gentlemen.
Driver, stop!
Please, turn around.

Keep the change.
Cyrano de Bergerac,
without the nose.

Let's sit down.
