
Here lies
the secret of all happiness.

To hear you talk, no one would
ever think you were a comedian.

I'm beginning to realize that.
It's the reason I can't get a job.

Because they have no imagination.
Or think because I'm getting
on in years I'm old, all washed up.

Never! After hearing you talk.
Perhaps I drank too much.
There's usually a reason
for drinking.

Unhappiness, I suppose.
No, I'm used to that.
It was more complicated.
As a man gets on in years
he wants to live deeply.

A feeling of sad dignity comes upon
him, and that's fatal for a comic.

It affected my work.
I lost contact with the audience,
couldn't warm up to them.

And that's what started me drinking.
I had to have it before I went on.
It got so I couldn't be funny
without it. The more I drank...

It became a vicious circle.
What happened?
A heart attack. I almost died.
And you're still drinking?
Occasionally, if I think of things.
The wrong things I suppose,
as you do.

What would you like
for your breakfast?

What a sad business, being funny.
Very sad if they won't laugh.
But it's a thrill when they do.
To look out there
and see them all laughing,

to hear that roar go up,
waves of laughter coming at you.

Let's talk of something
more cheerful.

Besides I want to forget the public.
Never. You love them too much.
Maybe I love them,
but I don't admire them.

I think you do.
As individuals, yes.
There's greatness in everyone.
