Million Dollar Mermaid

I am an old man.
Hold it, city. Hold it, city boy.
Wait a minute. Oh, my God.
Wait, come back. Wait, come back.
What? Hold it. Wait. Hold. Hold.
Hold on, folks.
That's a boy.

Wait a minute, Sydney.
Whatcha know.
Wait till I get my dentist bill.

What did I tell you?
He's got the greatest left hand
in the business.

Dynamite and bullfist.
I'm sorry, folks. I hope
he didn't scare you too much

but Sydney get the old feeling
that there's old thing down there.

What's going on here?
Did you take that Roo
out of the hold again?

Look, purser. I assure you...
Don't bother to assure me.
I warned you repeatedly.

Sheriff and
I had quite enough of you.

That piece is a menace.
Only if the pricing, I assure you
The pricing is a killer
but out of the ring, why,

he's as gentle as a lamb.
I tell you...

I tell you.
You keep that beast below deck

or I'll put him
off the next port.

And you with him.
Don't look at me,
this thing ain't my idea.

Take him below, Doc.
Now look here, you.
You hit me once more when
I ain't looking so help me up,

I'll pick you right in the pouch.
Now, come on. Behave yourself.

And keep him there.
Man and humanity.
I hope they haven't
scare you too much.

No. I'm very fond of kangaroo.
You say he boxes.
Boxes? Let me tell you something.
This is the greatest act
I ever uncovered.

Why, if Sydney's a man,
he'd be the next champion.
Take my word for it.

We have no reason not to.
Sure, he's risky
and full of energy

but out of the ring, why,
he wouldn't hurt a flee.

Your friend doesn't
seem to think so.

Doctor? Doc does take things
too seriously.

He's been
training fighters for years,

he expects kangaroo
to act the same way.

As a matter of fact, we were both
starting with fighter
when we first met Sydney,

a middleweight named
Tiger Driscold.

We offer a bonus for anybody
who'd go two rounds with him.

One day, this fellow
came along leading the kangaroo.

One punch, just one punch match,
a half of everything
I had to buy.

Well, let's hope your
investment proofs a sound risk.
