Monkey Business



Hey, hey, hey!
How did you get out of there, huh?
Listen, Esther, or Rudolph,
whichever one you are...

Come on. Come on,
you get right back in your cage.

No, l´m not gonna carry you.
You walk. Come on.

What you doin´ gettin´ out? Get back in.
Go on. How´d you get out, anyway?
Gus, I thought you were
going to attend to that later.

Oh, I wasn´t changing ´em, Doctor.
Esther got out. I was puttin´ her back in.

I guess that was my fault.
I forgot to close the lock.

- Kinda messed your stuff up there.
- I´ll take care of it, Gus.

Oh, don´t bother with anything now, Jerome.
I´m anxious to try this.

Seriously, Doctor, do you think you should?
Self-experimentation is
against the rules of good research.

Jerome, the history of discovery
is the history of people
who didn´t follow rules.

Well, here goes. To X-58, and a better world.
