
- A little, sir.
- And you play some instrument?

The clavichord.
And l imagine you are skillful
with needle and thread.

Yes, sir. l knit and sew.
l also embroider, here and there.

l have read the plays of Corneille,
Racine, Molière, and Voltaire.

l did not understand a word of them.
l ride a little and fall off a lot.

l don't cook too well,
but l'm quite good at chess...

although l prefer snakes and ladders.
l have a nodding acquaintance
with geography, geometry...

astronomy, philosophy, and botany.
l'm afraid l gave up algebra when l was 12.
- She also has spirit, cousin.
- So l see.

May l have the honor of waiting upon you
while l am here in Paris?

l also play chess...
though l regret l am unfamiliar
with snakes and ladders.

Aline will instruct you, won't you, Aline?
lf you say so. l'll speak to Father
when l go home for his birthday.

l shall write to him.
l shall tell him it is my earnest desire
that you and the Marquis become...

good friends.
BlNET presents his famous actors
Lenore? lt's me.
Don't be nervous.
