Subida al cielo

Again, compadre.
That's what we're here for.
What happened?
lt's like with the slippers.
They get their feet wet
before the dance.

Why won't it start?
l'll take a look, must be the rocks.
Come on, Mr. Pedro.
Help that man who fell.
You're filthy,
you need a bath.

Let's take a dip in that pond.
l think l could use it, l'm coming.
Don't worry.
We'll get the bus out
thanks to my compadre.

This darn bus is like a pig
it loves mud.

Don't get mad.
Let's take a dip, you'll relax.
l understand that you're sad.
Poor thing.
Married and single.
l don't need your pity.
Sure. Albina is very pretty...
...but she isn't with you.
That's why l want to go back.
Come on, don't play hard to get.
Come on.
...has skinny legs...
