Umberto D.

See you tomorrow.
Here we are. He's so cute.
Hey, I saw everything.
Tomorrow I'll kick you out,
and your dog too.

I'll kick you out, I said.
You're overreacting.
She'll lose all her customers.
Don't listen to a word she says.

- May I walk with you a while?
- Of course.

You can have it for 4,000.
4,000! That's a lot of money.
But a good watch lasts forever.
I don't care.
Look, I'll give you 3,000 lire.

There's more than that in here.
It's all in small change, I'm afraid.

- I said 4,000.
- It's all in here.

Listen, you can take the bag
and give it back to me
tomorrow at the cafeteria.

See you.
Spare some change.
See you.
Spare some change.
Who's in my room?
Who's in my room?
- How should I know?

What's all this yelling?
Be quiet and stop yelling.
How dare you behave like this!
