Umberto D.

I'd really like to save
a little money, you know.

I'll teach you how to get them
to let you stay here.

All I need is one week.
This ward is better than a hotel.
Did you ask the nun for a rosary?
Thank you. Oh, Sister-
He's such a nice person.
He'd like to stay a little longer.
He needs more treatment.
Can't you see how haggard he looks?

Just imagine: His pension isn't
even enough to support his dog.

We'll see.
Thank you, Sister.
Ask her for a rosary.
Could I have a rosary?
How are you, my dear?
I'm fine.
This was all I could bring.
A banana!
Sit down, dear.
Pull up that stool.

May I sit here?
Of course. Sit down.
What about Flike? How is he?
I wanted to bring him upstairs,
but it's not allowed.

He's downstairs in the courtyard.
- In the courtyard.

Flike's in the courtyard.
