From Here to Eternity

You don't scare easy, do you, Prewitt?
You know anything in Army regulation
says I got to box?

Every boxer in this outfit's a non-com.
I guess you've never seen
a bunch of them get together...

...and give a man ''The Treatment.''
What do you mean ''chick''? She's 45.
She's still too young for you.
I'm a better man than you any day
and don't forget it.

I won't forget it.
What's the deal with him, anyway?
With Warden. I don't figure him.
He ain't like the others.
He'll make it tough on you.
But he'll draw himself a line he thinks fair,
and he won't come over it.

You don't see many top kicks
like him no more.

He was with the 15th in Shanghai
when they saw their action.

I heard about it
down in the Philippines, even.

All I know is,
he's the best soldier I ever saw.

Count cadence, count!
One, two, three, four.
Prewitt! Get in step!
Hut! Hut!
Prewitt, this is a drill, not a picnic!
Get in step!

Hut! Hut! Hut!
Left face!
