
Hi, girl. Hello. How are you? Come here.
All right, let's get on with the feeding.
What do you think I'm doing now?
Vic, you're getting too unstrung
for your own good.

Why don't you fly out to Nairobi
or even Cairo for a week or two?

You haven't been out of here
for just on a year.

I'd like to, but Dorgenbeck's yelling
for those two white hippo.

And I'll pick that cat up, if I have
to run him all the way to the Congo.

I know. But you need relaxation.
And the little trinket that's dropped
from the Maharajah's turban...

...she's a spry little bit.
That's playgirl stuff.
I've seen them in London, Paris, Rome.

They start life in a New York nightclub...
...and end up covering the world
like a paint advertisement.

Not an honest feeling
from her kneecap to her neck.

Getting rather meticulous, aren't you?
Maybe. Maybe it's about time.
Everything snarls around this joint.
Hi. How are you, boy? You're a nice guy.
Hi, fellas. Hi, boy.
Hi, boy.
Hey, you wanna chew some gum?
