
How do you know?
Maybe you spoke too soon.

I'm warning you. I'm searching.
I'm looking, really I am.

I'll look with you for a little while.
Still pounding away at that old rogue?
Hi. It's the only piece of jazz
I've been able to find around this place.

It's been played more in the last week
than the last 30 years.

No kidding.
Have you been out here that long?

I came out here for my health.
- I found it. I'm still here.
- Where did you get that scar?

An old buffalo charged.
First barrel misfired,
and we danced around a bit.

- That's one way to die, isn't it? Dancing.
- I don't know.

- Where did you get yours?
- What?

Your scars.
You've got them,
though they're not visible.

Sorry. I'm a nosy old idiot, my dear.
You're pretty smart.
Nice, gentle smart, though.

Someday when I know you better
I'll tell you all about it.

Listen to old Trader Horn out there.
"Attaboy. Chop, chop, bwana master. "

- All packed, Kelly?
- My, we're busy as.... Packed?

The boat's here in 10 minutes.
Muntala'll take your luggage to the dock.

Animals ready for loading, Brownie?
