
- What happened?
- Shipwrecked...

...and me without a desert island
to my name.

A catastrophe,
a bleeding bellyful of bad luck.

- He's stinking.
- How come? Where?

About three miles down the river,
the engine packs up.

The current got hold of us
and drifted us onto a mud bar.

What about the cages?
The animals all right?

They're all right.
We left the crew to look after them.

- We came here in the tender.
- Tender? I'll say it was.

Hi, Brownie.
And in the dark too.

Any minute I expected to be
up to me hips in hippopotamuses.

You got me doing it now.
Could you send a couple of your boys
to the settlement with the news?

Boltchak, go get Muntala.
- Have a drink.
- Thank you, miss.

- How long will repairs take?
- No time at all.

Maybe a day after we
get the replacement.

It'll take us about three
or four weeks to get it.

Four weeks?
- Brownie, take him.
- Come on. Time for your nap.

Leon will bring the boys around for
a chat, they'll shove off in the morning.

Take the bottle with you.
Thank you, Mr. M.
Yeah, Brownie. Brownie!

I'm sorry.
Just a minute.
Mr. and Mrs. Nordley are in that room.
I'll have Boltchak move in with Brownie.
You can take his room.

- He'll be back soon.
- Yeah, the scientific characters.

They look kind of shiny new and young
to be scientific types, don't they?

- Yeah, but take it easy, will you?
- What do you mean?

You know, Mrs. Nordley has led
a sheltered sort of life, I guess...

...and, well, let's not get too informal.
You know what I mean.

I know what you mean.
You have as much gallantry in that remark
as you think I've got brains.

- Now, wait a minute-
- Never mind.
