Peter Pan

- Everyone else thinks I'm wonderful.
- Especially Tiger Lily.

- Tiger Lily?
- John! Michael!

Take off that war paint
and get ready for bed.

- Bed?
- Brave no sleep.

Go for days without sleep.
- But, boys, we're going
home in the morning.
- Home!

- And...
- Oh, Wendy, we don't want to go home.

No go home. Stay many moons.
Have heap big time.

Now, Peter, let's stop
pretending and be practical.

Chief Flying Eagle has spoken.
Oh, for goodness sake.
Please, boys.

Do you want to stay here
and grow up like... like savages?

- Of course.
- But you can't.

You need a mother.
We all do.

Aren't you our mother, Wendy?
Why, Michael, of course not!
Surely you haven't forgotten
our real mother!

Did she have silky ears
and wear a fur coat?

Oh, no, Michael.
That was Nana.

I think I had a mother once.
- What was she like?
- What was she like?
- I forget.

- I had a white rat!
- That's no mother!

Hey, who ya shovin'?
No, no, boys! Please.
I'll tell you what a mother is.

- Yeah, tell us.
- Yeah, tell us.
- Please, Wendy.

Well, a mother,
a real mother...

is the most wonderful person
in the world.

She's the angel voice...
that bids you good night...
kisses your cheek...
whispers, "Sleep tight."
Your mother
And mine
Your mother
And mine
The helping hand
that guides you along

Whether you're right
Whether you're wrong
