Roman Holiday

11.45: Back here to rest.
No that's wrong ...

11.45: Conference here with the press.
Sweetness and decency.

1 o'clock sharp: Lunch with the foreign ministry.
You'll wear your white lace...

...and carry a boucket of
Very small pink roses.

15:05: Presentation of a plack.
Thank you.

It's allright dear, didn't spill.
I don't care if it spilled or not.
My dear, you're ill.
I'll send for Dr Bonnachoven.

I don't want Dr Bonnachoven,
please let me die in peace.

You're not dying.
Leave me !

Leave me !
It's nerves, control yourself Ann.

I don't want too !
Your Highness ...

I'll get Dr Bonnachoven.
It's no use, I'll be dead before he gets here.

She's a sleep.
She was in hysteric 3 minutes ago Dr.

Are you a sleep Madam?

I'll only disturb you Royal Highness a moment.
I'm very ashamed Dr Bonnachoven.

Suddenly I was crying.
To cry... A perfectly normal thing to do.
Most important she'll be calm and relaxed for the press conference Dr.

Don't worry Dr, I'll be calm and relaxed,
I'll bar and I'll smile...

I'll improve trade relations, and I'll ...
There she goes again, give her something Dr, please.

Uncover her arm, please.
