
No call for that though, Joey.
Shane's on our side.

Howdy, Joe.
How are you, Ernie?
- No good.
- What's the matter?

I'm pulling stakes.
No use of your talking.

- Now what's the matter?
- My wheat. Them Rykers raided it.

Fence cut, steers drove in.
It's just stubs now.

- When?
- Last night.

I'm leaving, and don't try
to talk me out of it.

- You can't...
- Just don't try, that's all.

- I listened to you too much already.
- Go ahead, nobody's holding you.

You wouldn't leave
your home and land, and...

Oh, Ernie, you...
I'm wore down and out. Tired of being
insulted by them fellas.

Called a pig-farmer.
Who knows what comes next?

Well, don't throw your tail up.
Tell you what, we'll all get together here
tonight and figure out something.

I don't know about me.
I'll get the word around.
You tell Shipstead and Torrey.

All right,
but if we're having a meeting,

it'd better be more than pokin' holes
in the air with your finger.

- Anything I can do you for?
- I came to get wire for Joe Starrett.

I've been holding wire
for Starrett for quite a spell.

- Are you new?
- Yes, I'm working for Starrett.
