Stalag 17

Let's go.
Those filthy Krauts!
- What's left of them, Hoffy?
- Don't ask me.

Price was elected Security.
- OK, what happened?
- I wish I knew.

We planned everything
to the last detail.

Maybe the Krauts knew
about the tunnel all the time!

- Shut up!
- Maybe they were laying for them.

Hold it, Sefton. I said, hold it!
So we heard some shots.
Who says they didn't get away?

Anybody here
want to double their bet?

Every morning at six on the dot
they'd have the Appell- that's roll call.

Every barracks
had its own alarm clock.

Ours was Feldwebel Schulz.
Johann Sebastian Schulz.

I understand the Krauts
had a composer way back

with a Johann Sebastian in it.
But I can tell you one thing,
Schulz was no composer.

He was a Schweinehund.
Was he ever a lousy Schweinehund.
