Stalag 17

Who did this?
I will give the funny man exactly
five seconds to step forward.

Then you'll all stand here
if it takes all day and all night.

That is better.
I see! 600 funny men!
There will be no Christmas trees,
but there will be delousing
with ice water from the hoses.

We will remove the iron stove,
the one that was camouflaging
the trap door...

Animal, these Nazis ain't kosher.
You can say that again.
These Nazis ain't kosh...
I said you could say it again!
That doesn't mean you have to repeat it!

Private property.
How come the Krauts
knew about that stove, Security?

And the tunnel?
Why can't you lay down a belch
here without them knowing?

If you don't like
how I'm handling this job...

- It's got us all spinning.
- What makes them Krauts so smart?
