Stalag 17

Visecrackers? Where did he pick up
his English, in a pretzel factory?

You think I'm a square.
I've been to America.
I've been wrestling there.

I wrestled in Milwaukee, St. Louis,
Cincinnati, and I will go back.

The way the war is going,
I will be there before you.

You should live so long.
Here. That's me in Cincinnati.
Who's the wrestler
with the moustache?

That's my wife.
Hey, look at all that meat.
Ain't she the bitter end?

Give it back.
You must not arouse yourselves.

Schulz. I got a deal for you.
Suppose you help us escape.

We'll have everything waiting for you
in Madison Square Garden.

For the heavyweight wrestling
championship of the world.

In this corner,
Schulz, the Beast of Bavaria

versus the Hunchback of Stalag 17!
Droppen Sie dead!
And now, gentlemen,
we'll go outside for a little gymnastics.

We will grab some shovels
and undig that tunnel you digged.

Schulz, why don't we just
plug up the tunnel

with the Kommandant on one end
and you on the other?

It isn't me. It's the orders.
I'm your best friend here.

Cut the guff, Schulz, we're on to you!
You know everything that's happening.
Who's tipping you off?

Tipping me off? I do not understand.
You're wasting your time, Duke.
Come on. Let's get it over with.

Just a second. Schulz says
he's been our best friend here.

Maybe he can give us a hint.
Come on spill it.
How did you get the information?

About Manfredi and Jonson?
About the stove and the tunnel?

Which one of us is it?
- Which one of you is what?
- The informer?

Are you saying one American
would inform on another?

That's the general idea. But not so
general as far as I'm concerned.

You're talking crazy.
It's no use.
Why don't you come clean.

Just tell them it's me, because
I'm the illegitimate son of Hitler
