The Robe

Can you help me? l'm looking for a man.
- A man? What's his name?
- Jesus. l must warn him.

You're too late.
Even now he is before Pilate.

- They found him?
- He was betrayed to them,

and by one he loved and trusted.
By his disciple, who sat at his left hand.
Because men are weak.
Because they are cursed
with envy and cowardice.

Because they can dream of truth,
but cannot live with it, they doubt.

They doubt, the fools.
Why must men betray
themselves with doubts?

Tell them, the others. Find them
and tell them not to doubt.

Even now, not to doubt.
Tell them to keep their faith.
They must keep faith.
Wait. Tell who?
- Who are you?
- My name is Judas.

Tribune, wake up.
Come on. Do l have to drag you?
Duty calls, if the word
means anything to you.
