The Robe

Well, Tribune. Your new command?
Centurion, by what authority
do you attack these people?

l need no authority
to clean out a nest of traitors.

- Withdraw your men.
- And your authority, Tribune?

- An imperial commission.
- l know you have it.

But it's no longer in effect.
Tiberius is dead.

Caligula is emperor.
Hits you hard, doesn't it?

- Men.
- Wait.

An imperial commission is good until it is
revoked by the emperor, whoever he may be.

- Have you new orders from Caligula?
- No, but...

Then obey mine.
Make me obey, Tribune.
No. You won't try, will you?
Brave enough with a dice, or a cup of wine.
A tribune because you bear an important
name, because you have friends at court.

Well, you outrank me, but
l earned my rank, every step of it,

in Gaul and lberia and Africa,
against the enemies of Rome.

With this.
Make me obey you, Tribune,
if you're fool enough to try.
You are a fool.
l've split more men from head to foot
than you see in this square.

lf l win, you'll keep your word?
You'll withdraw your men?

lf you win, they'll be yours to command.
l'll be dead.
