The Robe

a pledge which l have never broken.
And the other? Jesus?
Renounce him, so all can hear.
l cannot renounce him, sire. Nor can you.
He is my king and yours as well.
He is the Son of God.
- And that is your answer?
- Yes, sire.

Tribune Gallio, we decree that you be taken
immediately to the palace archery field

and put to death for high treason.
No, Diana. There's no reason for it.
Sire, Marcellus is my chosen husband.
- l ask to go with him.
- Stand back.

You're not on trial.
There's no evidence against you.

Then if it please you, sire,
l'll provide evidence.

l have no wish to live another hour
in an empire ruled by you.

You dare to call yourself a Caesar.
Once the Caesars of Rome were noble, but
in you noble blood has turned to poison.

You corrupt Rome with spite and malice.
- Stop. Stop it!
- That you should be Caesar!

Vicious, treacherous, drunk with power.
An evil, insane monster posing as emperor.
Stop it!
As for me, l have found another king.
l want to go with my husband
into his kingdom.

Then by the gods you shall.
Go. Both of you. lnto your kingdom!
