Tokyo monogatari

Just do your job as my manager
Can't make money, then
Mortgage the Club Alulu
Tetsu? l hear you had trouble
Yes, Otsuka's men
You fought?
l left it to them. They tested me
to see if we'd really reformed

You took it
You're taking things, too
What shall we do?
See Yoshii? We'll pay three million
in cash, the rest in promissory notes

That's fine by me
Don't rough him up, though
We've no option
Where's Tetsu?
ls three million the best you can do?
lf l wait, when will you pay
the other five million?

ln five months... a million a month
-And if you can't?
-Take my life

So devoted to Kurata?
l wouldn't work for a boss l don't
like; he's a father to me

You'll raid my place if l won't wait?
Nonsense. The boss and l are
respectable people now

-Have you come on Kurata's behalf?
-No, on my own
