A Star Is Born

He was very disappointed.
And then the pride of the household said:
"Daddy, why is it called an Oscar?"
"Shut up," I explained.
And then my dear wife entered
the argument...

... with a little lecture on child psychology.
And it's rather lucky
that I'm here at all tonight.

Do you think anything's happened to him?
You know what the traffic's like.
He's been held up, that's all.

I wish I could have made him
understand that...

... many of us feel that to win one of them
is ample reward for an entire career.

I know I do.
Thank you.
To present this year's award
for the best actress...

Stop worrying. Think how nice the
statuette will look on your mantelpiece.

... last year's Academy Award winner:
Mr. Nigel Peters.

Those nominated for the best performance
by an actress are:

"Jane Brandon," Those Who Seek.
"Vicki Lester," A World For Two.
"Alice Tenny," The Great Chance.
"Shirley Vander," Don't Cry My Love.
The winner is Miss Vicki Lester.
