A Star Is Born

...hard times call for harsh measures.
My, I had my speech all prepared, but I...
It's gone right out of my head.
Let me see.
Well, it's silly to be so formal, isn't it?
I know most of you sitting out there
by your first names, don't I?

I made a lot of money for you, gentlemen...
...in my time through the years, haven't I?
Well, I need a job now.
Yeah, that's it, that's the speech.
That's the...

I need a job.
That's what I wanted to say.
I need a job!
It's as simple as that.
I need a job, that's all.
My talents, I might say,
they're not confined to dramatic parts.

I can play comedy, too.
Well, play something, somebody.
Norman, darling.
Let's sit down.
Get me a drink, somebody.
Good morning, Vicki.
Hi, Frank.
- How are you?
- Fine.

- Ready to go?
- Yeah, anytime.
