
Nobody, not even an Apache,
could open that window quietly.

- I must get back to my people.
- There could be a life for you here.

On the reservation there's nothing,
even if you can get there.

I will get there.
Then take this.
I have food.
So i see.
But this is seed corn of Tahlequah.

If you are wise, you will plant it, not eat it.
- Apaches are warriors, not farmers.
- You've seen the world of the white man.

Their numbers are like leaves of the trees.
Has it taught you nothing?

The warrior's day is over. Once
we Cherokees were like the Apaches.

We feasted when the hunting was good.
We starved when it was bad.

But the white man
ate the whole year round

because he raised his own food.
We found we could live with
the white man only if we lived like him.

You can do the same
with the corn of Tahlequah,
and your people, too.

At least leave by the door,
not the window.
