Carmen Jones

Got a whiff of fresh air,
that's what happened.

Just want to get
more of it.

Not without me.
Maybe you ain't got
the message yet,

but Carmen's one gal
nobody puts on a leash.

No man's gonna tell me
when I can come and go.

I gotta be free,
or I don't stay at all.
You talk like
this was a jail.

You're makin' it one.
It ain't to me.
I could stay in this place
the rest of my life

and never go out...
as long as you're here.
But when you ain't,
it's worse than jail.
Ain't no light, no air.
I never come back?

You'd never get away
from me.

I'd follow you down the rivers,
across the sea...

to hell
or up to heaven.

Why'd you ask?
Just to hear you
say it.

You're hurtin' me,

I'm sorry, honey.
I didn't mean to.
Get back soon,
and remember,
I'm waitin'.

You just keep a light
burnin' in the window, boy.

[Train Passing]
Poor champ.
Can't have no happy tunes,
no good time, nothin'.

Just gotta keep
trainin' and trainin'

to keep in trainin'.
Want to break it for fun
and see what happens?

Take the count.
Get me some more.
You already put one
seltzer bottle away.
