Creature from the Black Lagoon

For medium shots, the holes were
bigger and he could see better,

and for long shots, he had eyes with
good-size holes, and could see fine.

For Ricou Browning, working
underwater, it was a lot harder.

At first, he tried to wear goggles
under the creature mask,

but once water got in the goggles,
you couldn't get it out.

They gave him a face mask,
but that made the gill-man face
bulge out too far.

Finally, they just gave up,
and he used his naked eyes.

That was tough, because the creature
mask was bigger than his head,

and sometimes the eyeholes were
a couple of inches from his real eyes.

Seeing out was like lookin' through
a keyhole from a couple inches away.

He said his vision was often very blurred,
and that a lot of it was kinda hit and miss.

The creature suit we see
in the movie was not the first one

the make-up department came up with.
The first one was very different

from the eventual design,
and it was rejected pretty quickly.

Ricou Browning described it as more
streamlined than the one we know.

According to Ricou
"It had less scales, less fins,

and the head was more like
you were wearing a tight stocking."

"A little bit more human in appearance."
That early rejected head
was sculpted by Chris Mueller,

almost certainly from
a design by Milicent Patrick.

And when Universal started thinking
about making a second Creature movie,

there was talk of
adding a Gill-Woman.

The rejected gill-man head,
or something like it,

would have been used
as the head of the female creature.

When the rejected head was made,
it was supposed to be a gill-man,

but the eventual gill-man head used
in the picture looked so ferocious

that this more human head looked
almost feminine by comparison.

Q Magazine: "This horrendous
pseudo-science-fiction melodrama

revolves, wildly, in three dimensions
and with considerable excitement,

around a poor ancestral fish that
never quite made the grade to man."

"However, it ain't funny, McGee.
On the contrary, it's pretty scary."

"And Creature from the Black Lagoon
is a first-rate thriller-chiller of its type."

But when the movie played on TV,
the New York Times always called it

"about as charming as a dead cat".
