Doctor in the House

Five minutes.
I'm a very quick bath lady.

You've got to work, gentlemen.
Work, work, work, work, work...

Hydroxyl groups become a hydrogen
atom linked to a carbon atom.

Two stereoisomers are possible.
Alpha and beta indicate the isomers
on which the hydroxyls are above
and below the plane of the ring.

That's... perfectly clear, I suppose.
Why didn't we select professions with
no exams, like cabinet ministers?

Do you think they'll ask
about sarcoidosis?

- What's that?
- I haven't the foggiest.

If there's one on anxiety,
I'm home and dry.

- You all nervous?
- Oh, my...

Well, we're not overflowing
with confidence.

Your psychological attitude
is all wrong.

You're expecting failure. I'm not.
I just don't admit the idea
of failure. It doesn't exist.

I expect a pass.
One wonders which examiner
will be frustrated enough to make it.

- Phew! Cigarette, chum, please.
- How did you do?

That exam was an instrument
of torture.

Sarcoidosis. They must have heard me.
- It's over now.
- There's worse to come.
