It Should Happen to You

Hey, how about you shut up? We're
trying to play a serious game here.

Look, girlie, I don't mind
a pickup once in a while...

...only I like to do the picking, see?
How'd you like to watch
some of your language?

- Who are you?
- Nobody, that's who.

So, what are you trying
to make a big stink?

- Who, me?
- Sure, you. Not who.

Comes in, walking in barefooty,
sits down on the top of me...

- Top of?
...starts throwing around peanuts...

...gets all them dusty birds over.
Top it off, she tries to pick me up,
as if I ain't got enough troubles now.

Listen, how'd you like
a good smack in your face?

- Why don't you try it.
- Because it's too hot's why.

What a park.
- How'd you like that?
- Not bad. A real interesting shot.

Is there a water fountain
around here?

Yeah. Come on, I'll show you.
My whole throat's dry
from getting so mad.

No, no. Probably from
the peanuts, no doubt.

- Have one?
- Thanks.

What'd you say about a shot?
Movie shot, grabbed it
while you were screeching.

- What's the idea?
- It's my business. Documentaries.

- What's that?
- Well, I make movies.

Only they're about real things.
People, places, things.

This one I'm working on now
is about Central Park.

Well, I'm glad you think
I'm a real thing.

Have a drink. On me.
What are you doing,
following me around?

Let's go, sunshine.
What a park!
- You think he'll be all right?
- I doubt it.

- Okay, son?
- I'm thirsty.
