On the Waterfront

I tried to tell Edie the other night.
I really tried to, I wanted to tell her.
She's the first nice thing
that's ever happened to me.

What are you going to do about it?
What do you mean? About telling her?
Yes, about telling her.
The commission. Your subpoena.

I know you got a subpoena.
I don't know.
lt's like carrying a monkey
around on your back.

lt's a question of ''who rides who.''
lf I spill, my life ain't worth a nickel.
And how much is your soul worth
if you don't?

They're asking me to put the finger
on my own brother.

Johnny Friendly used to take me
to ball games when I was a kid.

Don't break my heart.
I wouldn't care if he gave you
a life pass to the polo grounds.

So you've got a brother.
Let me tell you something...

...you've got other brothers
getting the short hand...

...while Johnny is getting mustard
on his face at the polo grounds.

Ball games.
Listen, if I were you, I would walk right....
Never mind.
I'm not asking you to do anything,
your own conscience has to do the asking.

-That stuff can drive you nuts.
-Good luck.

ls that all you've got to say?
Come here.
Edie called me this morning.
She's coming here to talk to me.
Come on, why don't you tell her?
No curves.
