Rear Window

You just have to face it, Lisa,
you're not meant for that kind of a life.

Few people are.
- You're too stubborn to argue with.
- I'm not stubborn. I'm just truthful.

I know, a lesser man would have
told me it was one long holiday,

And I would have awakened
to a rude disillusionment.

Well, now, wait a minute.
If you want to get vicious on this thing,
I'd be happy to accommodate you.

No, I don't particularly want that.
So that's it?
You won't stay here,
and I can't go with you.

It would be the wrong thing.
You don't think either one
of us could ever change?

Right now it doesn't seem so.
I-I'm in love with you.
I don't care what you do for a living.
I'd like to be part of it somehow.
It's deflating to find out
the only way I can be part of it,

Is to take out a subscription
to your magazine.

I guess I'm not the girl I thought I was.
There's nothing wrong with you, Lisa.
You've got this town
in the palm of your hand.

Not quite, it seems.
Goodbye, Jeff.
You mean good night.
- I mean what l said.
- Well, Lisa...

Couldn't we just...
Couldn't we just...
Keep things status quo?

Without any future?
Well, when am I gonna see you again?
Not for a long time.
At least...
Not until tomorrow night.
