River of No Return

- l just had it going good.
- You had it going very good,

but we don't wanna break our plough
or hurt our horse, now do we?

Come on. We'll go in the house
and have some coffee.

- Why did you name me Mark?
- Simple.

l'm Matthew. Mark follows Matthew.
lt's the Bible.

- l follow you.
- Right.

- And that's how you thought of it?
- lt wasn't me, it was your mother.

Come on, let's quit dreaming.
When we sell our first wheat, you got
a present coming. What do you want most?

- A rifle for my own.
- You're getting it.

Will we be rich, like the men finding gold?
No, but we'll beat those that don't find any.
l was away from you a long time, Mark.
That's when l thought about it.

l thought if a man doesn't know
what he's doing or where he's going,

the best thing for him to do
is just back up and start all over again.

l thought l'd start
with the ground and work up.

So l sent for you, and this is it.
Never saw a guy with so many questions.
You got any more?

You never told me where you were.
Well, l'll tell you one thing.
Come on out here with me and l'll show you.
- l can hit anything you can see.
- OK. That tree.

- Now, how could l miss a tree?
- The branch.

- Which one?
- The one on the top, to the left.

You got eyes like a grasshopper.
Man, oh, man.
All right, your turn.
Now, this time you're gonna fire it.
