River of No Return

Keep still a second while l tie it.
- l don't need this.
- Keep still.

Well, l'm gonna see what l can do
with this in the river.

The country's crawling with lndians,
and you're going fishing?

There are lots of ways to die.
Starving to death is not one of my favourites.

He does that for good luck.
He'll need it to fish that way.
l oughta go out and hunt myself.
There should be some berries around here.

- Where?
- Oh, up along there.

l'll pickthem. You stay put.
Now, stay put.
What do you think you're doing?
Berries. l'm gathering berries.
Not bad. l didn't think you were the type.
Even my type gets hungry.
- Wanna show me your fish?
- l left 'em in the river.

Take some. Go on, take some.
- Give some to the boy, huh?
- Glad you reminded me.

l never would have thought of it(!)
(Kay)Catfish are waitin' for the hook
Old Lady Blackbird
flirts with the scarecrow

Scarecrow's wavin' at the moon
Old Mr Moon makes hearts everywhere go
