River of No Return

Next time you try that,
l'll forget thatyou're a woman.

l doubt that!
Just take my word for it. Fool.
- Do you know whatyou're doing?
- l think l do.

Do you know how long we'd last out here
without that raft? Without the rifle?

The whole country alive with lndians?
Just how many kinds of fool are you?
l'm notyour kind.
What are you? Weston's kind?
You love that rat so much, you'd risk all
our lives just to keep me from getting him?

You couldn't understand.
l just don't see it.
Treating you the way he did.

l'll tell you.
l'll tell you how he didn't treat me.

He didn't treat me like a tramp.
He treated me like a woman.

So he made a mistake. lf you had lived like
he has all of his life, on crumbs and bones,

maybe you'd do a crazy thing
if you had a chance to make a fortune.

Maybe you'd do a foolish thing yourself.
l wouldn't leave a kid to die... or a woman,
even if she was a tramp.
l suppose you never made a mistake.
You're too perfect. You never made any.
None that l didn't pay for, like he will.
All right. You know so much about him.
But he knows aboutyou, too.
He knows all aboutyou.
lf he made a mistake with you,
at least it wasn't murder.

- What do you mean?
- You know what l mean.

He knew who you were. He knew where
you came from and whatyou did.

He knew you killed a man
and went to prison for it.

And why you went to prison:
because you shot him in the back.

Go get the stuff on the raft.
