
Tighter, tighter.
Pop find those cartridges yet?

Not yet.
This is quite a gun, Benny.
Quite a gun.

I did a lot of choppin' in the war
with a baby like this, a lot of choppin'.

You're wrong about me Pidge,
bein' a coward.

Last war, I got a Silver Star,
north of Casino, pocket of resistance.

I killed 27 men, all by myself.
I won a Silver Star medal.

Ah, you stole it.
- They're hurting Pidge.
- Alright, take it easy.

Johnny, take it easy, relax, for the love
of Mike. What's a Silver Star?

- I won it.
- OK Johnny, OK, you won it.

I got 'em.
- They've been in there a long time.
- Yeah, get 'em back in here.

What are you all trying to pull?
All of you inside... Come on, come on.

- Feeling better?
- Yeah.

You're lucky, he didn't mean to wing ya,
he meant to blow your brains out.

He's a bad shot.
Yeah, but I'm not, so maybe you'd
better sit down and stay there,

that way it'd be safer
for everybody.

You've got that duty look in your eye.
I've seen it up on the line.

- The line? You up on the line?
- Some other time. Down!

Bart, you fool. His car's out front.
Put it in the garage, quick...
