The Country Girl

Elgin was terrible.
That's why you go out of town.
Actors improve. The scenery can't.

If he spoke the script,
I never heard it.

He trips on a rug, there's no chair,
the door won't open.

What do you expect of him?
Besides, his wife was backstage
during the performance.

- She's enough to upset anyone.
- What are you going to do?

- Lower the boom on her.
- He's your problem. I got my own.

The union insists I take on
three more stagehands.

Mr Cook, excuse me.
May I ask you something?

- Do you think Frank needs a dresser?
- No, but I suppose you do.

Well, those two fast changes.
It's a very large part, after all.

Bernie, every time you nod your head
like that, it costs us $200.

You're going to nod us
out of business.

Don't worry. We'll get him a dresser.
Mr Cook is almost what the bad fairy
promised Frank at his cradle.

He's not too bad.
Gruff, but with a heart of stone.

You smoke too much.
That's obvious.
A whole pack since 10.30.

Careful you don't catch cold.
After every first dress rehearsal,
I always hope to catch pneumonia.

It never works. Oh, for the peaceful
quiet of an oxygen tent.

Mr Dodd, who is that tall, gloomy man
that hangs around backstage?

Lucas, is that the name?
Yes. General understudy.
Not much personality but competent.

Well, excuse me for saying this,
but must he stay backstage?
