White Christmas

Yeah. Wort you have a drink
or sandwich or something?

Let's sit down.
Can we have some club sandwiches?

I'd like lemonade please.
This is cosy - boy, girl, girl, boy.
Where are you kids
staying in New York?

We're not staying in New York.
We're booked for the holidays.

The Columbia Inn, Pine Tree, Vermont.
That sounds very Vermonty.
Should be beautiful this time of year,
all that snow.

- Yeah, beautiful.
- The fir trees, the clean pine air.

Just what we need.
Wonderful, could you come up
for a couple of days?

- Well, I don't know...
- It would be awfully nice.

If you're ever under a falling building,
and somebody offers to pick you up
and carry you to safety

don't hesitate a moment,
just spit in his eye.

- What did that mean?
- It means we're going to Vermont.

Oh, boy!
Might not be bad at that,
you know.

Snow-covered slopes, skiing,
Christianas, and the stemming and the
blatzing and the schussing.

Hot, buttered rum,
light on the butter... snow.
