Bad Day at Black Rock

maybe some historian,
in all that land lying fallow.

You know, it could be used
for some purpose, maybe a graveyard.

There's something buried up there.
You have wildflowers.
That means a grave.
I suppose you knew that.

I saw a lot of it overseas.
Figured it wasn't a human grave
because it wasn't marked.

Kind of a mystery, isn't it?
Kind of.
Maybe you can figure it out.
- Maybe.
- Why don't you give it a whirl?

It might help you pass the time
for a while.

Well, I've got other things to do.
I'm not interested.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- Pull up a chair.
- Can I use your phone?

Yeah, help yourself.
You're one of the few people
who's been back here I can say that to.

It's 424.
What's 424?
If I've got you pegged, and I think I have,
you're calling the State Police.

But if I was you,
and I'm surely glad I'm not...

I'd look it up myself.
I wouldn't trust anybody around here.

Including me.
424, please.
424? The lines are all busy.
