Bad Day at Black Rock

Let Smith find himself a new boy.
I can't take it another day.

If you're a sheriff, they gotta respect you.
Otherwise you can't do your job.
They just laugh.

I don't laugh, Tim.
- Why don't you?
- Cut it out, Tim.

You should.
In the name of well-adjusted manhood,
get a hold of yourself.

Snap out of it. You're gonna have
a complex or something.

Four years ago, if I'd have done my job...
if I'd checked up
and found out what happened...

But I didn't. It was just like Smith figured.
What did you find out? They told you
a story, you had to believe it.

Would you believe it?
I don't know.
I live a quiet, contemplative life.

Me, I didn't even try to find out.
Don't you understand?
When you wear this badge, you're the law.
When someone does something
against the law...

then you're supposed to
do something about it.

Me, I did nothing.
That's what's eating me.
What kind of prescription you got for that?
I don't know.
Haven't found one for myself.
But there's one thing, Tim: Don't quit!
Why not?
Because maybe this fellow Macreedy's
got the prescription.
