Battle Cry

Just put it back, please.
You think you're so smart
because you read all the time.

I ain't liked you since boot camp.
I've got a notion to loosen you
from a few teeth...

...Sister Mary.
Now, wait a minute.
I was only fooling with you.

What'd you go and do that for?
I saw what happened to one fellow
who tried to shake your hand.

That was a lucky punch.
You know that, huh?

You're the only guy alive
who can do that to old Spanish Joe...

...and live to tell about it.
What you reading?
You mean they wrote a whole big book
about Mickey Mouse's dog?

You know something?
I like you, Mary.
You stick with me
and I'll get you over the rough spots.

What you think of old Spanish Joe now?
I think you're
the most obnoxious person I ever met.

What's that, obnoxious?
You stink.
That's because
I was eating garlic.

Hey, kid, you got guts.
You and me's going to be buddy-buddy.
