Battle Cry

Don't stop me now.
I don't get this brave very often.

Rae, I just never could write
until I met you.

Does that sound funny?
You're a sweet kid.
You'll be a big writer someday.

Rae, how about our meeting
in San Diego next liberty?

We can have dinner and take in a show.
Couldn't we go on just meeting here?
We've been seeing
each other for a month...

...but it's always here on the ferry.
I can't.
What do you mean you can't?
I just can't.
I thought you liked me.
Of course I like you, Marion.
Would I sit here until dawn
every time you were in if I didn't?

If you want to make
a big secret of it, I...

- I guess I'd better shove.
- Marion?

Will you be here next liberty?
I'll be here.
Goodness, that was fun.
I haven't been on a hayride
in years.

Come on in.
- May I fix you a drink?
- I gave it up for hayrides, remember?

Oh, yes.
If you'll excuse me a minute,
I think I'll freshen up.
