Battle Cry

I'm sorry I'm late.
I should be angry.
I waited last night too.
An hour at the gate.

It was impossible for me
to get liberty.

Is anything wrong?
I said, is anything wrong?
Why didn't you come last night?
I had to study.
Besides, I...
I was broke.
You know that doesn't
make any difference.

It does to me.
We're washed-up, aren't we?
It completes the circle.
Danny Forrester,
all-American boy.

I knew you'd catch up to yourself
sooner or later.

The little girl back home?
You think I'm a tramp,
don't you, Danny?

Don't be nice.
Any guy in the world would be lucky
to have you for a wife.

It's just one of those things...
...that wouldn't have happened
if the world was in its right senses.

Right senses.
That's the trouble with me.
I've always been in my right senses.
I'm a clubwoman in her right senses.
Know what I was going to do
when you told me this?

I was going to make a fight for you.
