Blackboard Jungle

- Hi. I wanted to thank you.
- That's all right.

Would you mind walking
out to the car with me?

- With those kids out there and all, l...
- No.

- Lf it's too much trouble for you...
- No, not at all.

I hope I haven't hindered you
with your classes.

How'd you make out today?
Oh, the boys were very quiet.
I guess I know what they were thinking.

- Hello, Josh.
- Hi.

- How about a drink?
- Yeah. Fine.

Let's go over there.
- I gotta... I gotta get home.
- Well, this is the last one. For the road.

For the road.
Stan the man.
Terrific stuff.
- Very educated gentleman.
- Yeah. Just like our students.

Everything always comes back
to our students. You know something?

I am disappointed. Very disappointed.
Listen. Listen to this passage. Listen.
Mind those trumpets.
