Daddy Long Legs

Oh, I cannot tell you his name.
He doesn't wish you to know it.

He-Why- How-
I want to thank him!

He doesn't want any thanks!
He doesn't want any gratitude.

His only wish is that
you write him once a month...

just like he would
be your father...

and tell him the progress
you are making in school.

And, uh,
this is the address:

"Mr. John Smith...
Post Office Box 3642,
New York City."

It's all written out here. Of course,
Mr. John Smith is not his real name.

Oh la la, madame.
- It- It has really happened, eh?
- Mm-hmm.

- Is really true?
- Everything is true.

Go on, Julie.
You go to sleep...

and say a nice
prayer of thanks, huh?

- O-Oh, oh!
- Merci, madame.

- Oh, how beautiful it is!
- It is an American automobile.

- No, no, it is Italian.
- It is not. It's a Cadillac.

- We saw one in the cinema.
- Shh! Kids, what are you doing there?

There is an American automobile with a man.
He has been talking to Emile.

Where? Let me see.
Oh, zut.!
- Did you see him? Did you see his face?
- Yes, I saw him.

You did?
What did he look like?

- Was he old?
- Oh, yes, very old.

- How old?
- Older than him.

Oh! Did you see his hair?
What kind of hair did he have?

- No hair.
- Bald?

- Maybe. He wore a hat.
- We saw only a shadow.

He was very thin and very tall.
Very long legs.

- Comme un faucheux.
- Un faucheux?

Yes, a faucheux.
A daddy longlegs.

Oh, a daddy longlegs!
Yes, a daddy longlegs!
Shh. Now, off to bed,
quickly. Be very quiet.

Don't wake up the others.
