Daddy Long Legs

The first days of spring
always affect me this way.

Oh. Oh, Griggs. Uh, will you please
have this record sent to Miss Andre?

- And who is sending the record?
- I am, of course.

Yeah. I'm aware of that, Jervis,
but in which incarnation are you sending it?

Jekyll or Hyde?
UncleJervis or Daddy Longlegs?

Jervis Pendleton, and you can leave off
the "uncle," if you don't mind.

What you're looking for
is in the personal file.

Thank you, Griggs.
"Dear Daddy Longlegs, l-"
"I'm- I met
Linda's UncleJervis.

He seemed very nice."
"He seemed very nice."
"He seemed very nice."
"But an awful thing has happened.
Oh, not to me, but toJimmy McBride.

"He's had a dreadful

He was all set to go to South Africa
as a mining engineer when the project blew up."

"lmagine. Only about a month
from graduation...

"and he considers himself
a failure.

"If he would follow my advice,
he'd stay in this country...

"and work in his father's
overalls factory.

But he hates it."
Hmm. "I can't tell you
how miserable I feel for him."

- Griggs.
- Yes, Jervis.

- Would you come here a moment, please?
- I'll be right there.

"He was all set to go to South Africa as
a mining engineer when the project blew up."

Uh, Griggs, I'd like to do something
for a young chap I know.

Name's McBride.
Brilliant mining engineer.

Do we have an opening for him?
Well, our New Jersey lab
can always use a bright young man.

No, no. Not- Not, uh- Not New Jersey.
He- He's the adventurous type.

He- He'd want to go far away.
You know, see the world kind of thing.

I see. Someplace
out of the country, eh?

He'd sign up for a year's contract.
As a matter of fact, he wants to.

He's a good man.
Very highly recommended.

- By whom?
- By-

By me. l- I, uh- I met him at
that college dance recently.
