Du rififi chez les hommes

Why look at me like that?
He's my kid, too! Why blame me?

I'm not blaming you.
There's something
I always wanted to tell you.

There are kids...
Millions of kids who've
grown up poor. Like you.

How did it happen...
What difference was there
between them and you,

that you became a hood,
a tough guy,

and not them?
Know what I think, Jo?
They're the tough guys, not you.

No, Tony. Still nothing.
How's Jo?
He's thrilled.
Fredo told me about the kid. It's
disgusting. If I can be of help...

Thanks. Tell me where
Grutter and his boys hide out.

I think I know. He's building a villa
near Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse.

A guy goes out there all the time:
Charlie, the dope dealer.

Know where to find him?
Let's go.
