East of Eden

JOE: But don't you go hanging
around there, squirt. You're too young.

JOE: Now come on. Now beat it.
Is that her real name?
- Kate. Is that her real name?
- Sure, as far as I know. Why?

What's her last name?
Nobody's got any last name
around here, kid. Why?

[lntense instrumental music]
You tell her I hate her.
[lntense instrumental music continues]
I should have gone right on in there.
Should have gone right on in there
and talked to her.

[Soft instrumental music]
Cal wasn't home all night.
Boy, is he gonna catch it from Dad.

- You know what the girls in class call him?
- No, what?

The Prowler.
- I'll tell him that.
- You better not, Aron.

ABRA: Promise me.
ARON: Why not?

ABRA: Please don't. I don't want you...
ARON: Hi, Cal.
CAL: Hi.

ABRA: Hello, Cal.
Excuse me for talking.
We're going down to see the icehouse
that Dad's gonna buy.

- Do you want to come?
- What icehouse?

The one he's buying
to freeze the vegetables with.

ARON: He's been talking about it
every night for the last week.

Is Dad gonna be there?
ARON: Why sure, he's gonna buy it.
CAL: I'll skip it.
You're gonna have
to see him sometime, Cal.
