East of Eden

as long as you can get it cold enough.
Like that mastodon there.

- Good afternoon, Abra.
- Good afternoon, Mr. Trask.

ABRA: Hello, Mr. Hamilton.
WlLL: Hello.

ADAM: Hello, Son.
ARON: Hi, Dad.

Now my son, Aron, that is,
thinks I may have a good idea here.

Dad wrapped a head of lettuce
in wax paper...

and kept it in our icebox
for over three weeks...

and it still came out fresh and good.

Quite right, Son.
- Dad, is it all right if we look around?
- 'Course, Aron. Belongs to us now.

Do you know where the biggest market
for vegetables is in the winter?

WlLL: Where?
ADAM: New York City.

And they can't raise them there.
But the railroad had promised me
those fruit cars.

Don't you have anything to say to me, Cal?
CAL: Yeah.
ADAM: It's about time. Well?

I read in the Monterey newspaper...
that if we get into this war...
there are gonna be some fortunes made.
But you're gonna make them
in beans and corn, and stuff like that.

- You don't need all this ice.
- You're perfectly right.

Beans are up to 3 cents.
You wanna make a profit, you plant beans.
CAL: And they keep, too, don't they?
But I'm not particularly interested
in making a profit, Cal.

[Serious instrumental music]
ADAM: Look here, Will.
I'm not an inventor nor a scientist...
but I know I have an idea here.
WlLL: I come from a family of inventors.
People full of ideas like this one.

I'm the only one that didn't have an idea...
and the only one that ever made a dime.
WlLL: You wanna make a profit,
you plant beans.

ADAM: Put out that cigarette!
That place is full of sawdust!

- Come on, Adam, he's just thoughtless.
- Thoughtless? He's inconsiderate.

I don't know.
I'm at my rope's end with that boy.

I don't understand him. I never have.
ADAM: Aron I've understood
since he was a child.

ABRA: Help me up.
